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Tel: +7 (49652) 241-25
Fax: +7 (49652) 494-72
Supported by:
  • Российская академия наук


The proceedings of PNP-13 will be published in the “Contributions to Plasma Physics” following a similar review procedure as earlier. A full description covering the details of manuscript preparation can be found on journal website http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/117933212/grouphome/instructions.html.

Two volumes of the CPP are reserved: December 2009 and January 2010.

The volume of the article should be about 4 pages in CPP, but it may be allowed to publish more extended original papers, if necessary and if it is recommended by the program committee.

Please prepare your contributions for publication before beginning of the workshop (not later than 30th of September) so that the program committee can make certain decisions with respect to the selection, the referees and arrangements of the contributions. The referees have to recommend publication or to reject the contribution, both for oral and poster contributions.

Papers for conference proceedings can be send to . Please set subject of the letter to “Proceedings of Last name Initials” (substitute your data accordingly). Also papers will be collected during conference registration at Chernogolovka. In this case please bring with you electronic version of the paper and its hard-copy.